
I’m Jess!

A big picture person
A pattern seer
A sun + nature lover
A boy mama

And I am here to support you in creating a healthy mind and body so you can live younger and happier, for longer! Let’s find out why all your experiencing all those pesky symptoms and work on an upgrade!


 Certified Level 2

Integrative Health Practitioner

+ Holistic Health Coach

Youth Element was derived out of a feeling of maintaining a sense of youth at any age which I’ve always found inspiring. Regardless of looks as we age, it’s an energy we carry with us- the way we move our body, how we laugh, how we express and create, our ability to learn, and ultimately our mindset that creates this element of youth- or not. In order to live into this ‘youth element’ and to expand our health span we need to be free of dis-ease.

My practice is holistic, using a root cause approach and ultimately preventative actions so that you can live well and become better educated along the way. We create a really strong connection to foundational lifestyle principles and then dig even deeper with the option of using functional medine lab testing and protocols to balance what you have excess and lacking in the body.


Drawing from my own

health struggles in the past, which I open up about frequently, enables me to connect with my clients from a powerful place of personal experience.

"I've learnt that in the pain and discomfort of healing, if you can truly listen to your body and form consistent habits that serve you, you will experience true health along a renewed sense of YOUth, knowledge and habits that will serve you for a lifetime. I believe the body is always on our side, sometimes we get lost in the noise and need a little guidance to find our way back and that's okay."​ 




 I’ve innately believed that there was a way of healing that took into account our daily actions; that asked why and kept going until we found out, so that we could reverse and change our outcomes of health. That’s just what makes sense to me. So eventually my health issues came to the surface, initially in the form of fertility struggles and my intuition eventually lead to me seeking others in this space and personally finding it so intriguing, nurturing, empowering and effective. The opposite to what I had experienced generally in other realms of heath care. Since 2012 I’ve just kept wanting to learn more and allow others to see the power we hold within ourselves. A little wisdom, trust and guidance go a long way. It’s often about simplifying, rather than over complicating.

It's those trials + tribulations that have led me gratefully here today

- exploding with passion, deep care, wanting to educate, share and ultimately help others rebalance and renew the most important asset we have: our health - our life


 My mission is to optimize your wellbeing through foundational transformative practices

Allowing your body to rebalance, lengthens your health span, raising your energy and vitality and allows you to live a YOUTHful existence while organically inspiring those around you to do the same